How does the coaching process work at Plans to Prosper?

This is a great question! There are usually three steps involved in the coaching process for my clients. The first step is the complimentary consultation. The second step is taking the necessary assessments. The final step is an in-depth review of the results. I’ll go into each step below.

When I get a call, text, or email from a potential client, I will generally respond back in the way they reached out to me and ask for a 10-15 minute window of time for a complimentary consultation. During that conversation, I will find out what made them curious about reaching out to me, and we will decide if an in-depth, paid, 60-90 minute meeting is necessary. It’s important that both of us are clear on what is needed and if I am the one that can deliver the solution to the problem that brought them to me. At the end of the initial meeting, we will both be clear on how to proceed forward with a mutually agreed upon timeline, Kolbe tests, and WIIFM (what’s in it for me) meetings.

Next, the new client will take the agreed upon Kolbe tests. There are a few different Indexes that might come with the program, and I’ve linked to examples of a few of them. One is the Kolbe A Index. It is an instrument designed by Kathy Kolbe that quantifies the degree of natural talent an individual possesses in each Action Mode (don’t worry, I’ll explain what that means in our meetings.) It takes roughly 20-35 minutes. Another is the Kolbe B, a 24-question assessment that measures how a person views the functional demands of a specific job or position. The result identifies which talents are a natural fit for the job and how the job holder perceives the requirements for success in the role. It takes roughly 20 minutes. Then there is the Kolbe Y Index which is an assessment similar to the Kolbe A Index but designed for young people with a 4th through 11th-grade reading level. The online results include audio explaining how a young person can use his or her instinctive capabilities to create effective solutions to problems. It takes roughly 20 minutes as well. Another one is the Comparisons: A to A which provides an analysis of conative strengths between two individuals with a customized report prepared for each of them. The final one is the Opgig Career Assessment. This career assessment takes into consideration all three parts of the mind and sets a career course with a percentage of success for that individual. It the only one like it in the world and takes roughly 15 minutes.

After I get your results it takes me some time to go over every page. Then we meet to review for 60-90 minutes either in person, on the phone, or on Zoom. We talk about how to apply the results to your life, why it matters, and usually by the end of the meeting it all “clicks.” My follow-up emails, texts, and phone messages help solidify the concept. I’ve found that because sometimes people “forget” how they work best and need gentle reminders about their natural strengths. The process of review can be just an initial meeting of 60-90 minutes or can continue with coaching after that for 2-3 months. It all depends on the client’s individual needs.

I hope this blog post answers the question of how everything works at Plans to Prosper Coaching. If you want to start with your complimentary consultation email, call, or text me at 608-833-5482 or Also contact me if you have any more questions about Plans to Prosper.

With Gratitude,
